Solfeggio Frequencies ~ what they are and how they can improve your Health & Wellness!

Summary of the key points

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  • The Solfeggio Scale is a series of musical tones whose history dates back to the Middle Ages and Gregorian chants.
  • They are healing frequencies that relate to the numbers 3, 6 and 9 in spiritual numerology.
  • These healing frequencies benefit the human body and DNA at the molecular level.
  • There are nine main frequencies, each of which positively affects specific areas of the body and mind.
  • Solfeggio Frequencies can be experienced through music, tuning forks and meditation.
  • They do not replace medical treatments, but are considered complements to improve physical, psychological and spiritual aspects.
  • The Solfeggio Frequencies offer a way to explore the connection between music, sound and well-being.

Solfeggio frequencies: What are they and how they improve your Health!

Listen to all 9 Solfeggio Frequencies here!

Music has been part of the history of humanity since time immemorial. Since ancient times, music has been used as a form of communication, a tool to express emotions and to celebrate important events. Over the centuries, music has evolved and developed in different forms and styles. One of the most interesting forms of music is the Solfeggio Scale, an ancient musical scale that has been used for centuries in sacred music. This scale has a series of frequencies that are believed to have benefits for the human body at a physical, psychological and spiritual level. In this article, we will explore the Solfeggio Frequencies, their history, the benefits they have for the human body and how they can be used to improve health and well-being.

What are the Solfeggio Frequencies?

The Solfeggio Frequencies are an ancient musical scale that has been used for centuries in sacred music. This scale was developed in the Middle Ages by the Benedictine monk Guido D’Arezzo and was used in the Gregorian Chants. The Solfeggio Scale is a set of tones based on the frequencies associated with the numbers 3, 6 and 9 in spiritual numerology. These vibrations have a beneficial impact at the molecular level on the water of the human body and on DNA.

Over the centuries, the Solfeggio Scale has been used for therapeutic purposes, in natural medicine and spirituality. Each of the frequencies has its own energy and it is believed that it can positively affect different areas of the body and mind.

The six main frequencies of the Solfeggio frequencies and their benefits

On the Solfeggio Scale there are six main frequencies, each with its own energy and benefits for the human body. Below, the six main frequencies and their benefits are detailed.

174 Hz: the frequency of the earth

The frequency of 174 Hz is said to be in resonance with the energy of the earth. Listening to this frequency can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve the quality of sleep and help balance the root chakra. The chakra root is located at the base of the spine and is associated with safety and stability. Listening to the 174 Hz frequency can help improve the connection with the ground and the feeling of security.

285 Hz: the frequency of healing

The frequency of 285 Hz has healing properties and helps relieve pain and inflammation. It is also used to balance the heart chakra and improve the circulation of energy. It is said that this frequency can help improve self-esteem and promote self-esteem.

396 Hz: the release frequency

The frequency of 396 Hz is used to release emotional and psychological blockages and encourage the release of negative patterns. This frequency is also known as the “frequency of unlocking” and is said to help release guilt, fear and anxiety. It is believed that listening to the frequency of 396 Hz can help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation.

417 Hz: the frequency of the transformation

The frequency of 417 Hz is used to encourage transformation and change. This frequency helps to release negative patterns and bring positive changes in life. It is also used to balance the sacrum chakra, which is located in the lower region of the abdomen and is associated with creativity and sexuality.

528 Hz: the frequency of DNA repair

The frequency of 528 Hz is considered as the frequency of DNA repair and is believed to have a positive effect on the cells of the human body. It is said that this frequency helps repair damaged DNA, improve cell function and stimulate tissue regeneration. It is also used to balance the third eye chakra, which is located in the centre of the forehead and is associated with intuition and perception.

639 Hz: the frequency of the connection

The frequency of 639 Hz is used to promote connection with others and with oneself. This healing frequency helps to improve interpersonal relationships and promote harmony and balance in relationships. It is also used to balance the throat chakra, which is associated with communication and personal expression.

741 Hz: the frequency of the expression and the resolution

The frequency of 741 Hz is used to promote the expression and resolution of conflicts. This healing frequency helps to open communication and facilitate the expression of repressed emotions. It is also used to balance the third eye chakra and the throat chakra, promoting mental clarity and effective communication.

852 Hz: the frequency of intuition and spiritual consciousness

The frequency of 852 Hz is considered a healing frequency of spiritual activation. It is believed that this frequency helps to awaken intuition and raise spiritual consciousness. It is also used to balance the crown chakra, which is located at the top of the head and is associated with the connection with the divine and the expansion of consciousness.

963 Hz: the frequency of activation of the pineal gland

The frequency of 963 Hz is associated with the activation and stimulation of the pineal gland, also known as “the third eye”. This healing frequency helps to open up perception and intuition, facilitating access to higher dimensions of consciousness. It is also used to balance the crown chakra and to promote unity and connection with the universe.

The different ways Solfeggio Frequencies can be used to improve health and well-being

Solfeggio Frequencies can be used in different ways, which will have a positive impact on your health and well-being.

Listen to music based on the Solfeggio Frequencies: There are many pieces of music that are based on the Solfeggio Frequencies. Listening to this music can help balance the chakras and promote relaxation and well-being. In the playlist above you will find a whole repertoire of tracks based on the solfeggio frequencies.

Meditation with Solfeggio Frequencies: There is no doubt that meditation reduces stress and anxiety, promotes relaxation and improves mood. Accompanying meditation with soft music composed of Solfeggio frequencies will surely complement the benefits of meditation. We recommend that you adapt or find a quiet and comfortable place, which allows you to perform a meditative practice. You can try focusing your attention on the chosen frequency.

Use tuning forks of the Solfeggio Frequencies: Maybe you’ve seen tuning forks before, but you didn’t know that that was their name. The tuning forms are instruments that emit a specific vibration and are used in sound therapy. The tuning forks of the Solfeggio Frequencies can be used to balance the chakras and promote relaxation and well-being.

And of course, you could simply purchase our Artisan Hydrogen Water with a range of specially infused Hz frequencies and begin benefitting from every drop you drink we have added .. because we care!