
Artisan Hydrogen Water 8.5pH


Our lovingly crafted Artisan Hydrogen Water is Alkaline (8.5pH), contains 1600ppm, 99.99% Pure Nano-particle H This is the very first of its kind in the world and what’s more, it contains a range of specially infused Solfeggio Hertz frequencies proven to enhance your health!


SKU: HW-750ML Category:


Why we chose to infuse these specific Hertz Frequencies into our Artisan Hydrogen Water…

174Hz ~ Restorative
Revered for its healing properties, the 174 Hz frequency is a powerful force for physical well-being. Among all frequencies, it has shown the most significant impact on the physical body. This low frequency offers relief from pain and stress, enhances focus and concentration, and instills a sense of security in the body’s organs. Additionally, it is thought to promote muscle relaxation, reduces tension, and eases migraines and discomfort in areas such as the lower extremities and lower back.

432Hz ~ Harmonise
It is considered mathematically consistent with the patterns of the universe and is often referred to as the ‘frequency of the universe’ or the ‘miracle tone’. Some benefits of listening to music tuned to 432 Hz include enhanced mental clarity and focus, reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep quality, increased creativity and inspiration, and a strengthened immune system. Studies suggest that this frequency can help decrease anxiety levels, increase feelings of relaxation, stimulate alpha brain waves, reduce cortisol levels, and activate the brain’s creative centre. The 432 Hz frequency is historically significant, dating back to ancient civilizations, and is believed to be more harmonious and natural compared to the standard tuning of 440 Hz.

639Hz ~ Lovingkindness
At 639 Hz, the potential for achieving mental equilibrium is heightened. This frequency is known to cultivate a sense of harmony in relationships, both within your personal circle and the broader community. Furthermore, it facilitates improved understanding, communication, and tolerance, fostering a more peaceful and connected environment for all.

741Hz ~ Intuition
This frequency has the potential to enhance cognitive functions and problem-solving abilities by stimulating the mind, fostering creativity, and enhancing self-expression, ultimately leading to mental clarity. It also aids in decision-making, paving the way for a healthier and more fulfilling life. Often referred to as a ‘detoxifying frequency’, 741 Hz has the potential to offer relief to individuals grappling with chronic pain.

852Hz ~ Purify
This frequency is known for its potential to facilitate the transformation of negative thoughts into positive ones, making it a valuable tool for alleviating feelings of nervousness, anxiety and states of ‘dis-ease’. By harmonising the mind and promoting a more positive internal dialogue, it creates a supportive environment for mental well-being and emotional balance. Embracing this frequency can lead to a shift in perspective, empowering individuals to cultivate a more optimistic outlook and navigate challenging situations with greater ease and resilience.

You can discover more about Solfeggio frequencies here or read our blog post here for our Hertz Frequencies-infused Artisan Hydrogen Water!


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