Reduce Your Aches and Pains

Are You Experiencing Any Of These Symptoms?

  • Muscle aches

  • Muscle spasms

  • Shooting or stabbing pains

  • Pain that radiates down the leg (sciatica)

  • Pain that is aggravated when bending, lifting, standing or walking

  • Pain that improves with reclining

  • Reduced flexibility or range of motion in your spine

  • Limited range of shoulder rotation

  • Various degrees of incontinence

What Causes Pain?

  • Injury to the muscles, ligaments, and discs

  • Muscle pain, muscle strain or overuse of muscles

  • Compression of various nerves (Neuralgia)

  • Inflammation, such as is caused by arthritis

  • Poor posture

  • Pressure on the spinal nerves, such as due to a herniated disc

  • Osteoporosis (reduced bone density)

The most common forms of pain are joint and muscle pain, which is caused by ligament or tendon strains, inflammation, slipped disc, arthritis. Such pain may occur in parts of the body such as the neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, upper and lower back, hip, knee, ankle or foot.   You can harness the powerful antioxidant properties of molecular hydrogen(H2) by directing it onto the targeted treatment areas to give you a faster and more effective recovery by reducing the inflammation in your body.  Not only will you get a relief from the pain but also a healthier body as H2 reduces oxidative stress and stops free radicals from destroying the body cells.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties Of Molecular Hydrogen

  • Ameliorates inflammatory response by relaxing tight muscles reducing pressure on nerves

  • Neutralises negative free radicals

  • Protects cells from oxidative damage

Potent And Selective Antioxidant Properties Of Molecular Hydrogen

  • Improves blood circulation & metabolic rate, delivering more oxygen to tissues

  • Removes excess Lactic Acid in muscle tissue

  • Prevents muscle spasms

Hydrogen gas attenuates Neuropathy

Neuropathic pain remains intractable and the development of new therapeutic strategies are urgently required. There is a new treatment for neuropathic pain. When water containing saturated level of hydrogen was ingested, allodynia and hyperalgesia were alleviated. (National Defense Medical College, Department of Ophthalmology, June 18th, 2014)

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