Healthy Aging

Molecular Hydrogen’s Role in Healthy Aging

Molecular Hydrogen is an antioxidant that is found to reduce Oxidative Stress, it flushes out Free Radicals, and oxygenates our cells.

The one inescapable  “disease” process  experienced by all living organisms that is progressive and degenerative is of course, the aging process. It happens to the best of us.. no one gets out alive, as they say! Society has been obsessed with combating the aging process since time immemorial. The storied fountain of youth has been mankind’s ultimate obsession. Advances in science and a greater understanding of human physiology have allowed us to achieve a better understanding of the cellular process of aging. These advances have allowed us to develop novel interventions to, if not halt, then at least slow the process. Given the wide range of applications of Molecular Hydrogen in a myriad of disease processes, the question begs… could Molecular Hydrogen play a role in anti-aging?

Molecular Hydrogen is so much more than just a lone-antioxidant. In addition to being a front line defender, H2 also marshals the rest of the troops, and brings them to the fight. Because H2 is able to penetrate the cell nucleus, it has effects at the level of gene transcription, through activation of the NRF2 pathway.  This up-regulates our body’s production of endogenous antioxidants, like glutathione, catalase and superoxide dismutase. This combination packs an extremely powerful antioxidant punch.

Telomeres the tips at the end of chromosomes

This is important to combat the general damage that reactive oxygen species (ROS) can cause, and has particular implications for longevity. Scientists now believe that a major player in the longevity equation are the tips of your chromosomes, called telomeres. Telomeres are like the plastic caps on the ends of your shoelaces.

Telomeres protect the ends of DNA strands, and shorten as we age – but research in recent years has proved that this process can be reversed! The secret is to prevent the telomeres of a particular chromosome from deteriorating, or the cell’s lifespan is basically over. When we are younger, we have an abundant amount of an enzyme called telomerase, which keeps our telomeres from shortening. This enzyme is particularly susceptible to oxidative stress, and as we age, damage from reactive oxygen species (ROS) contributes to the deterioration of telomerase, and the aging and inevitable cell death.

This makes Molecular Hydrogen an invaluable addition to an anti-aging regimen, as a powerful, selective, and safe antioxidant.

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