Discover The Antioxidant effects of Molecular Hydrogen

It is a well-known fact that there is less Oxygen on our planet now than there was a few decades ago! Coupled with this is the measurable rise in environmental pollutants such as air pollution, from the automotive industry, chemtrails in our skies, agricultural sprays on farmlands is toxifying all our foods, beit plant, fowl or animal our air and causing polluted waterways all exacerbated by hazardous toxic waste deposits from Industrial Corporations. affecting fresh & ocean produce.

To add insult to injury, our lifestyles have become sedentary which directly inhibits our oxygen-uptake, in turn this inhibits our ability to flush ingested toxins out via our Lymphatic System which relies on four main elimination processes, namely aspiration (breathing), urination, defecation and perspiration… and in females’ the process of menstruation. As a Holistic Healthcare Practitioner, working at cutting edge of private healthcare, peer-reviewed research from around the world proves, that all the Lifestyle Diseases we treat have their basis in compromised oxygenation to the cells, and over a prolonged period of time, results in cellular acidosis. Modern medicine refers to this as a ‘Cancerous’ cell. Hence by ensuring our cells remain well oxygenated, we can maintain an alkaline pH level in our blood, tissues and cells.

‘Oxidative Stress’ is the process of Free Radical damage that prevents the delivery of active oxygen necessary during cell regeneration or suppresses over activity of active oxygen species. An Antioxidant effect can naturally occur in the body (SOD, catalase, peroxiredoxin, glutathione) but one can also experience the antioxidant effect through stress management, intake of antioxidant foods & nutritional supplements, exercising regularly, and a healthy lifestyle.

For the successful assimilation of Antioxidant supplements, plant-based medicine, and chlorophyll-rich foods, it is necessary that we eat and digest these before receiving the benefits once the compounds are thoroughly digested, absorbed, assimilated, and delivered to all the cells in the the body via our blood vessels. The nutritional benefits will differ based on an individual’s digestive ability, and consequently the beneficial antioxidant effects might not reach certain areas or cells in the body. In individuals with compromised metabolisms and/or immunity, this will be even greater.

When we drink water, before our body can benefit, it has to first be processed via the stomach etc. However, when inhaling nano-particle Hydrogen through the nasal passages and upper respiratory tract it will be absorbed directly into the blood via the lungs, and therefore immediately into the brain and all cells via the Circulatory system. The smallest molecules can easily permeate all our body tissues namely, skin, bone, muscles, organs, blood vessels, and brain tissues directly into cells. The brain is protected by the Blood-Brain Barrier which only allows certain substances in, and prevents many substances from crossing it, however Hydrogen ~ which is a nano-molecule ~ can freely cross the blood-brain-barrier and act as antioxidant by flushing out toxins and calcification via the Lymphatic System to optimise Immune System function.