


Several studies below have investigated the effects of hydrogen-rich water on various aspects of human health and performance. Aoki et al. (2012) conducted a pilot study on elite athletes and found that drinking hydrogen-rich water helped alleviate muscle fatigue caused by acute exercise. Bittner et al. (2007) explored the performance effects of ultra-negative-ion [...]


Ischemia/Reperfusion Injuries


The research studies below on hydrogen therapy presented a diverse range of potential benefits across various medical conditions and models of ischemia-reperfusion injury. Studies by Cai et al. (2008, 2009) demonstrated the neuroprotective effects of hydrogen therapy in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia rat models. Chen et al. (2011) investigated the effects of hydrogen-rich saline on [...]

Ischemia/Reperfusion Injuries2024-09-03T07:41:36+00:00



These studies investigate the therapeutic effects of hydrogen-rich solutions, hydrogen gas, and electrolysed water on kidney-related conditions. Findings suggest potential benefits in reducing oxidative stress, protecting against nephrotoxicity, preventing kidney injury, and improving outcomes in hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Further research is needed to confirm these effects in human populations. 338.Abe, [...]




The research papers below explore the anti-inflammatory properties of molecular hydrogen in liver-related conditions. Studies highlight its protective effects in parasite-induced liver inflammation, Concanavalin A-induced hepatitis, and liver fibrogenesis in mice. Additionally, research demonstrates the benefits of hydrogen-rich saline in mitigating liver injury in various models. Overall, the findings suggest that molecular hydrogen [...]




The research studies below focuses on the potential therapeutic effects of hydrogen-rich solutions, particularly hydrogen gas and hydrogen-rich saline, in various models of lung injury and other conditions. These studies explore the protective effects of hydrogen therapy in conditions such as acute lung injury induced by burn, hemorrhagic shock, ventilator-induced lung injury, and [...]


Metabolic Syndrome


The research studies mentioned below cover a wide range of topics related to the potential health benefits of hydrogen-rich water. These studies investigate the effects of hydrogen water on various aspects of health, including lipid peroxidation, glycemic control, antibacterial activity, oxidative status, and cardiovascular health. Some studies focus on specific conditions such as [...]

Metabolic Syndrome2024-09-03T07:46:38+00:00

Neuralgia and Additional


The research studies listed below cover a range of investigations into the potential therapeutic effects of hydrogen-rich substances on various health conditions. For example, studies by Chen et al. (2015) and Ge et al. (2013) explore how hydrogen-rich treatments can attenuate neuropathic pain by targeting oxidative stress and inhibiting the activation of spinal [...]

Neuralgia and Additional2024-09-03T07:47:59+00:00



The collection of scientific articles covers studies on the effects of electrolyzed reduced water, hydrogen-rich saline, and alkaline ionised water on biological systems. Research includes evaluations of electrochemical characteristics, immunological effects, melamine excretion, and protective effects on decompression sickness. Studies also explore the safety and biological effects of hydrogen-enriched water, as well as [...]


Sepsis, Gastritis, Intestine


This research compilation explores the therapeutic potential of molecular hydrogen in various gastrointestinal conditions and inflammatory diseases. Studies investigate the effects of hydrogen-rich solutions on conditions such as ulcerative colitis, stress-induced gastric ulceration, sepsis, necrotizing enterocolitis, and intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury. The research delves into the mechanisms through which hydrogen gas exerts its protective [...]

Sepsis, Gastritis, Intestine2024-07-08T19:17:43+00:00

Skin and Radiation


The research papers listed below discuss the various beneficial effects of hydrogen-rich solutions, such as hydrogen-rich saline and hydrogen-rich water, on different biological systems. These effects include protection against radiation-induced damage in male germ cells, spermatogenesis, hematopoiesis, skin injuries, burn-wound progression, testicular damage, immune dysfunction, and more. Hydrogen-rich solutions were found to attenuate [...]

Skin and Radiation2024-07-09T06:55:43+00:00
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