Alkalise Your Cells
The Three Stages of Toxicity
Healthy blood cells
Stage I
This relates to toxins present in the blood and the patient may experience headaches, migraines, Brain fog, mood swings, skin outbreaks on various areas of the face and/or body, etc.
One of the most important roles of our blood is to protect our vital organs by remaining alkaline with a perfect pH and free of pathogens and impurities & in so doing any toxins will ‘overflow’ into the soft tissues of the body where it eventually creates inflammation & calcium deposits.
As with all levels of toxicity, ‘level one toxicity’ has usually been taking place slowly over many years or even a couple of decades however it is quick & easy to change through drinking good quality water, vegetable juicing, sleeping during the power-hours and getting plenty of regular exercise.
However, if the patient does not address it with the appropriate lifestyle changes & cleanse protocols, the ‘overflow’ of these toxic deposits settles into the soft tissues of the body, which we then becomes level 2 toxicity
Stage II
This relates to inflamed & painful joints, organs, muscles, ligaments, tendons, brain, & connective tissue which modern medicine has attributed labels such as arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tendinitis, gout, fatty liver, gallstones and kidney stones, etc.
Once the patient has reached this second level of toxicity, to effectively flush these acidic calcium deposits out of the soft tissues a Systemic Organ Cleanse is required. However, should the patient not take heed of their Naturopath’s advice and simply continues along the same lifestyle of eating acid-forming foods they have been on until this point in time, then these toxic build-ups in the soft tissues eventually overflow into the cells and creates what we refer to as a ‘Level Three’ or Cellular Toxicity.
Inflammation in Joints & Soft Tissue
Cancerous cells
Stage III
Society is all too familiar with Cellular Toxicity which big medicine terms ‘Cancer’ and ‘Auto-Immune Disorders’, and sadly has most patients believing is a ‘death-sentence’! Granted, protocols for flushing out Cellular Toxicity is a lot more costly, considerable time and energy-consuming, than a simple level one or two detox. However, the truth is it is very achievable, and highly effective, and the patient’s health over time is restored & in the majority of cases upgraded.
Notwithstanding, we do not want to be reckless with our health and wait until we begin experiencing Levels Two or Three Toxicity before taking action! The idea of Optimal Health is maintaining one’s Health on a daily basis by eating a clean, diverse alkaline diet, ensuring good Lymphatic drainage and above all optimising cellular oxygenation every day! Because, we know that no pathogens can invade well-oxygenated cells!
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