The research studies listed below focus on the utilisation of hydrogen gas (H2) in various physiological processes and health conditions. Some studies explore the effects of hydrogen gas production in the body through different means such as lactulose intake, hydrogen-rich water ingestion, and hydrogen gas inhalation. For example, studies by Chen et al. investigate the potential therapeutic benefits of lactulose in conditions like ischemic stroke and inflammatory bowel disease by increasing hydrogen production. Other studies examine the role of hydrogen gas in mitigating inflammation, improving survival rates in inflammation models, and ameliorating cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats. Additionally, research delves into the production, metabolism, and excretion of hydrogen in the intestine, as well as the effects of dietary factors like turmeric and yoghurt on breath hydrogen levels. These studies shed light on the diverse roles of hydrogen gas in health and disease, highlighting its potential as a therapeutic agent and its implications for various physiological processes.
155.Carter, E.A., et al., Use of hydrogen gas (H2) analysis to assess intestinal absorption. Studies in normal rats and in rats infected with the nematode, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis. Gastroenterology, 1981. 81(6): p. 1091-7.
156.Chen, X., et al., Lactulose: an effective preventive and therapeutic option for ischemic stroke by production of hydrogen. Medical Gas Research, 2012. 2: p. 3.
157.Chen, X., et al., Lactulose Mediates Suppression of Dextran Sodium Sulfate-Induced Colon Inflammation by Increasing Hydrogen Production. Dig Dis Sci, 2013.
158.Chen, X., et al., Lactulose: an indirect antioxidant ameliorating inflammatory bowel disease by increasing hydrogen production. Medical Hypotheses, 2011. 76(3): p. 325-7.
159.Christl, S.U., et al., Production, metabolism, and excretion of hydrogen in the large intestine. Gastroenterology, 1992. 102(4 Pt 1): p. 1269-77.
160.Kanazuru, T., et al., Role of Hydrogen Generation by Klebsiella pneumoniae in the Oral Cavity. Journal of Microbiology, 2010. 48(6): p. 778-783.
161.Kayar, S.R., et al., Hydrogen Gas Is Not Oxidized by Mammalian-Tissues under Hyperbaric Conditions. Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine, 1994. 21(3): p. 265-275.
162.Lee, S.H. and B.K. Choi, Antibacterial effect of electrolyzed water on oral bacteria. J Microbiol, 2006. 44(4): p. 417-22.
163.Levitt, M.D., Production and Excretion of Hydrogen Gas in Man. New England Journal of Medicine, 1969. 281(3): p. 122-&.
164.Liu, C., et al., Estimation of the hydrogen concentration in rat tissue using an airtight tube following the administration of hydrogen via various routes. Sci Rep, 2014. 4: p. 5485.
165.Oku, T. and S. Nakamura, Comparison of digestibility and breath hydrogen gas excretion of fructo-oligosaccharide, galactosyl-sucrose, and isomalto-oligosaccharide in healthy human subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(9): p. 1150-1156.
166.Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Chronic consumption of fresh but not heated yogurt improves breath-hydrogen status and short-chain fatty acid profiles: a controlled study in healthy men with or without lactose maldigestion. Am J Clin Nutr, 2000. 72(6): p. 1474-9.
167.Sack, D.A. and C.B. Stephensen, Liberation of hydrogen from gastric acid following administration of oral magnesium. Dig Dis Sci, 1985. 30(12): p. 1127-33.
168.Shimouchi, A., et al., Molecular hydrogen consumption in the human body during the inhalation of hydrogen gas. Adv Exp Med Biol, 2013. 789: p. 315-21.
169.Shimouchi, A., et al., Estimation of molecular hydrogen consumption in the human whole body after the ingestion of hydrogen-rich water. Oxygen Transport to Tissue Xxi, 2012. 737: p. 245-50.
170.Shimouchi, A., et al., Effect of Dietary Turmeric on Breath Hydrogen. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 2009. 54(8): p. 1725-1729.
171.Shimouchi, A., et al., Breath Hydrogen Produced by Ingestion of Commercial Hydrogen Water and Milk. Biomarker Insights, 2009. 4: p. 27-32.
172.Sone, Y., et al., Everyday breath hydrogen excretion profile in Japanese young female students. J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci, 2000. 19(5): p. 229-37.
173.Strocchi, A. and M.D. Levitt, Maintaining intestinal H2 balance: credit the colonic bacteria. Gastroenterology, 1992. 102(4 Pt 1): p. 1424-6.
174.Suzuki, Y., et al., Are the effects of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors on cardiovascular events related to elevated levels of hydrogen gas in the gastrointestinal tract? FEBS Letters, 2009. 583(13): p. 2157-9.
175.Tanikawa, R., et al., Relationship between Exhaled Hydrogen and Human Neutrophil Function in the Japanese General Population. Hirosaki Medical Journal, 2015. 65: p. 138-146.
176.Xie, K.L., et al., Hydrogen gas improves survival rate and organ damage in zymosan-induced generalized inflammation model. Shock, 2010. 34(5): p. 495-501.
177.Zhai, X., et al., Lactulose ameliorates cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats by inducing hydrogen by activating Nrf2 expression. Free Radic Biol Med, 2013. 65: p. 731-41.
Liu, C., et al., Estimation of the hydrogen concentration in rat tissue using an airtight tube following the administration of hydrogen via various routes. Sci Rep, 2014. 4: p. 5485.
Zhai, X., et al., Lactulose ameliorates cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats by inducing hydrogen by activating Nrf2 expression. Free Radic Biol Med, 2013. 65: p. 731-41.
Shimouchi, A., et al., Molecular hydrogen consumption in the human body during the inhalation of hydrogen gas. Adv Exp Med Biol, 2013. 789: p. 315-21.
Chen, X., et al., Lactulose Mediates Suppression of Dextran Sodium Sulfate-Induced Colon Inflammation by Increasing Hydrogen Production. Dig Dis Sci, 2013.
Shimouchi, A., et al., Estimation of molecular hydrogen consumption in the human whole body after the ingestion of hydrogen-rich water. Oxygen Transport to Tissue Xxi, 2012. 737: p. 245-50.
Chen, X., et al., Lactulose: an effective preventive and therapeutic option for ischemic stroke by production of hydrogen. Medical Gas Research, 2012. 2: p. 3.
Chen, X., et al., Lactulose: an indirect antioxidant ameliorating inflammatory bowel disease by increasing hydrogen production. Medical Hypotheses, 2011. 76(3): p. 325-7.
Xie, K.L., et al., Hydrogen gas improves survival rate and organ damage in zymosan-induced generalized inflammation model. Shock, 2010. 34(5): p. 495-501.
Kanazuru, T., et al., Role of Hydrogen Generation by Klebsiella pneumoniae in the Oral Cavity. Journal of Microbiology, 2010. 48(6): p. 778-783.
Suzuki, Y., et al., Are the effects of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors on cardiovascular events related to elevated levels of hydrogen gas in the gastrointestinal tract? FEBS Letters, 2009. 583(13): p. 2157-9.
Shimouchi, A., et al., Breath Hydrogen Produced by Ingestion of Commercial Hydrogen Water and Milk. Biomarker Insights, 2009. 4: p. 27-32.
Shimouchi, A., et al., Effect of Dietary Turmeric on Breath Hydrogen. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 2009. 54(8): p. 1725-1729.
Urita, Y., et al., Extensive Atrophic Gastritis Linked to Increased Levels of Intralurninal Hydrogen Gas. Hepato-Gastroenterology, 2008. 55(86-87): p. 1645-1648.
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Lee, S.H. and B.K. Choi, Antibacterial effect of electrolyzed water on oral bacteria. J Microbiol, 2006. 44(4): p. 417-22.
Oku, T. and S. Nakamura, Comparison of digestibility and breath hydrogen gas excretion of fructo-oligosaccharide, galactosyl-sucrose, and isomalto-oligosaccharide in healthy human subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2003. 57(9): p. 1150-1156.
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Rizkalla, S.W., et al., Chronic consumption of fresh but not heated yogurt improves breath-hydrogen status and short-chain fatty acid profiles: a controlled study in healthy men with or without lactose maldigestion. Am J Clin Nutr, 2000. 72(6): p. 1474-9.
Kayar, S.R., et al., Hydrogen Gas Is Not Oxidized by Mammalian-Tissues under Hyperbaric Conditions. Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine, 1994. 21(3): p. 265-275.
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